Required, Sequential, and Elective Courses

Required Courses
All students will be enrolled in the following required courses:

Sequential & Elective Courses

(*course offerings depend on enrollment and all courses may not be offered all semesters)
In addition to the required classes listed above, all students should select 3 additional classes from the list below. Please also choose a back-up course in case we are not able to accommodate your first choices.




World Languages:

*Required Course
The discipline of Natural History is embedded within much of our work and daily life at Maine Coast Semester. Our work in the classroom…
*Required Course
English at Maine Coast Semester Our English curriculum fosters active engagement with a wide variety of literature that explores the relationship between people and…
History and Social Sciences at Maine Coast Semester Maine Coast Semester offers two history courses, Honors U.S. History and Advanced Placement® U.S. History (APUSH)….
Mathematics at Maine Coast Semester Our experience indicates that small, intimate classes and meaningful collaboration naturally lead students to discuss, present, and debate mathematics….
World Languages at Maine Coast Semester World language courses are offered at intermediate and advanced levels. The world language programs of our sending schools…
Environmental Issues (H) Elective, Prerequisites: none (can be taken for Social Science or Science credit) This course examines environmental issues by building an understanding…
*Required Course
Human Ecology Human Ecology explores the reciprocal relationships between humans and the natural world. We believe this offers a meaningful framework to develop active…
Studio Art at Maine Coast Semester Students of all levels have the opportunity to learn habits of creative expression while mastering fundamental skills and…
World Religions and the Wilderness* (H)  Elective, Prerequisite: none (can be taken for English or Social Science credit) This course is an introduction to…
*Required Course
Co-curricular Activities at Maine Coast Semester Outdoor Education, Backcountry Expeditions, and Physical Fitness All students participate in our Outdoor Living Skills program, which is…
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