I can’t believe this semester is half-way through. This bittersweetness manifests into a sinking feeling in my stomach after the end of every study-hours but also the appreciation for never-ending laughs and friendships. Here are some of my favorite moments so far.
1: Aurora Borealis
I’m away for a semester in high school and the sky is a dusty pink. I’m supposed to be studying, it’s 7:45 pm, but I just want to sit out on the Lower Field, watch the sky for hours, and take in the little things. I’ve never seen the Northern Lights, never been blessed by the cool greens, hazy blue. I lie back onto the long, slightly damp grass, taking in miles upon miles of sky. I just want to remember this moment, I think. I want to remember the explosions of color and vibrancy in the sky, the ivory moon casting its spell, and most of all all of the people who began as strangers and are now close friends.
One month in, it feels like it’s slipping away from me. Such impermanence is haunting.
Summer has drifted into fall, and time feels fleeting. Stop. Wait. Live in the moment, I tell myself. This request feels impossible for a chronic over-thinker. I stop for a second. Letting myself take in the harmonic laughter and comfortable silence. These are my people. After one month, I know some of these people will remain in my life.
Once study hours have ended, and I have done some work (it is a Thursday night with classes tomorrow and deadlines), I return to Gillies (the best cabin) for check-in. We are allowed to return outside because the Aurora Borealis is visible once again. It is striking against the yellow glow of the Barn and the lights hung up along the tents near the Wallace. Gordy and South Hall have also been given permission to come outside. We huddle together, taking photos both mostly just reveling in this place, this event.
– Daphne Easterly-Zebley is attending from the Maret School in Washington D.C.