A Day in the Life
What’s a typical day like at Maine Coast Semester? Each day we embrace academics, work, community, and the natural world in a way that makes life at Maine Coast Semester challenging, fulfilling, and whole. Whatever’s going on, whether it’s an intellectual pursuit, physical labor, or fun, students participate fully. What they give to each endeavor kindles the spirit of their semester.
Each student takes five classes at Maine Coast Semester. Both Natural History of the Maine Coast and Literature and the Land are required, and students may choose three electives. Additionally, each student completes our outdoor program for a physical education credit and participates in work program. Lastly, students engage in a series of seminars around food and energy systems in preparation for their Human Ecology Capstone projects. Please check out our curriculum page for more information about courses offered at Maine Coast Semester.
Beyond our typical weekly schedule, Maine Coast Semester students participate in frequent field trips and events both on and off-campus. See semester schedule and weekends to learn more.

Read More about a Day-in-the-Life:
24 Hours In and I Love it – Excerpts from a Maine Coast Semester Journal
by Mia Salinas, Fall 2018
Video: A Day in the Life
by Blythe Chase, Spring 2018
Exactly What a Normal Week Looks Like at Maine Coast Semester
by Ruby Peterman, Fall 2019
Download a Sample Day in the Life