On the 16th and of November, Maine Coast Semester students hosted a family weekend to show our relatives the amazing work that we have made here and to offer a glimpse of what everyday life is like on Chewonki Neck. Students and staff put together activities and events for visiting families. One of the biggest events that we organized was the art show.
As a student in Sue West’s class, Art and the Natural World, I knew about the art show for a few weeks in advance. I didn’t know was just how much work it was going to take, though. It started with work programs where we could learn to professionally mat our art work, and ended with hours spent arranging pieces on the walls of the Center for Environmental Education (CEE) until everything fit perfectly. We anticipated the upcoming show nervously, uncertain of what our families would think of our artwork. Thinking back on countless study halls and late nights in the art classroom, I can see other art students working hard to finish project after project. Each of us poured our experiences, memories and emotions into the work we made. We all contributed to the exhibition in some way as well, even students who were not in our class.
It was very special to see how many parents and families came to see everything that we have done with our time here. The work we put into the arts show resulted in a hugely successful show on Saturday night. As everything now moves towards the end of the last few weeks of classes, I believe that we can look back on family weekend, as well as the whole semester, and be proud of our hard work.
-Saoirse, Shead High School, Eastport, ME